"An eclectic DJ, curator, storyteller, record collector, curator of music compilations and an architect of Ladies on Records project. Based in Istanbul, Kornelia travels all around the world in search of mesmerizing music and meaningful stories to tell of gender, empowerment and equality"
Kornelia Binicewicz est une DJ d'origine polonaise, diggeuse de disques, créatrice du projet Ladies on Records, anthropologue, curator et storyteller. Sa passion la conduit en Turquie, où elle vit à Istanbul depuis 2015. Elle a sortie deux compilations musicales : "Uzelli Psychedelic Anadolu“ & ”Turkish Ladies », offrant un nouvel éclairage sur la musique turque et la revalorisation des femmes dans cette héritage culturel. Kornelia réalise aussi de nombreux projets : expositions, podcasts, mixtapes pour des festivals et radios (Radio Meuh, Radio Nova, Paranoise Radio). Elle participe à l'organisation de festivals, rédige des articles et des essais pour des revues musicales et culturelles. Kornelia partage ses riches expériences musicales et culturelles dans le cadre de nombreux ateliers et sound talks. Ses DJ sets regorgent de pépites du monde entier, de raretés de Turquie, du Brésil, du Moyen-Orient tout en prônant les nouveautés de la sono mondial. Dérivée de la musique organique des années 70, du jazz et du groove mondial, sa sélection éclectique rassemble différents mondes sur la piste de danse pour célébrer la diversité, let’s groove!
Dj sets & mixs
Turkish Ladies
Turkish Ladies. Female Singers from Turkey 1974 - 1988
Sony Music Turkey - Epic Istanbul
Released worldwide (Vinyl, CD and digital) May 2018
After great interest and revivalism of Turkish music from late 60s, 70s and 80s, it is high time to rediscover and appreciate the women story of this exciting period in music from Turkey. Sweet melodies and heartbreaking dramas are kept in edgy arrangements and compositions with eccentric synthesizers, mesmerizing arabesque string orchestras, waka waka funky guitars and narcotizing rhythm sections of darbukas and drum sets. Get surprised with variety of influences and fusions – from classical Türk Sanat Müziği, Argentinian tango, Spanish flamenco, Egyptian classical orchestras, traditional folk songs to worldwide popular disco, psychedelia, funk in local unique setups from late 70s and 80s.
"Came for Tut Kalbimi Tut and stayed for the rest. This comp is dope." Discogs
Uzelli Psychedelic Anadolu - Uzelli Kaset
Released worldwide (Vinyl, CD and digital) March 2017
Following a big international demand for original and obscure Turkish music from 70s and 80s, Uzelli selected tracks from their archive and brought them together as a compilation of psychedelic sounds of famous and unknown artists of Turkey. All tracks were recorded and produced by Uzelli between 1975 and 1984. Most of the tracks were never released on any other source than cassette. The design of the release was created to follow the original style of Uzelli's cassette covers' style from 70s and 80s. The project is created by international crew - curated by Polish music explorer and digger, esthetically redesigned by Polish artist, backed by Turkish researcher, American ethnomusicologist, Israeli and German DJs and producers.
"An incredibly rich and diverse compilation for anyone not acquainted with the Uzelli catalogue. All tracks are solid gold." Discogs.
Uzelli Psychedelic Anadolu
Festivals: Planach Festival, Champery Radio Meuh Circus Festival, La Clusaz Sam Sam Festival, Paris Rio Loco Festival, Toulouse La Bonne Aventure Festival, Dunkirk Afrobanana Festival, Lefkara (Cyprus) Jazzhane Festival, Zurich Phre Festival, Munich Pura Vida Festival Les Champ des Platines, La Clusaz Garbicz Festival, Garbicz Itche Itche Festival, Berlin Viennale Festival, Vienna Heart of Noise Festival, Innsbruck BRDCST Festival, Brussels Jazz in The Park, Cluj Electric Castle Festival, Cluj Beirut Electro Parade, Paris Cabudanne Festival, Seneghe Nomad Music Festival, Palermo Back to the Style Festival, Naples etc.
Clubs: The Jazz Cafe, London La Graviere, Geneva La Mazette, Paris La Bobine, Grenoble Import Export, Munich Golden Pudel, Hamburg Babylon, Istanbul Kiosk Radio, Brussels NTS Radio, London Le Mellotron, Paris AB Concerts, Brussels Kasheme, Zurich Rote Fabrik, Zurich EM2, Groningen L'Épicerie Moderne, Feyzin SPATiF, Warsaw 100-cznia, Gdansk etc.

Booking Info
Foucauld +33 6 28 07 10 95
Kornelia Binicewicz : DJ et exploratrice
Basée à Istanbul, disponible toute l'année