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Mediterranean Electro

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"Dj and producer Sharouh creates irresistibly danceable mixes where Middle Eastern, Maghrebian and Mediterranean music blends with more electronic sounds" La Bobine

Mediterranean DJ and producer Sharouh composes and remixes nuggets from the Middle East, North Africa, Greece and Turkey. Fascinated by the musical syncretism born of encounters between Arab, Judeo-Arab, Berber and Mizrahi cultures, she is particularly interested in the role played by women in this heritage. Sharouh distills an irresistibly danceable electro, acid and sometimes punk set, where samples of feminist speeches rub shoulders with oriental percussion and analog synths.

Album Ya Hasra

In 1940, over 100,000 Jewish men and women lived in Tunisia. Thirty years later, no more than 10,000 remained. Today, only a few of them have resisted the historical forces that dispersed their families and their neighbours. In spite of this exile, the thousand-year-old presence of Tunisian Jews has left an eternal and delightful imprint on the country’s landscapes and its heritage - cultural, culinary and, of course, musical. Habiba Msika, Louisa Tounsia, Raoul Journo and El Kahlaoui Tounsi, represented here on the record’s side A, are four legendary artists, narrators of a history that they never ceased to sing on both shores of the Mediterranean sea, along with the waves of migration. On side B, DJ and producer Sharouh revisits their songs, plays with their rhythms and sounds in a series of reworks that reclaim this heritage and breathe new life into it. Through the new release of these four musical gems alongside Sharouh's unique reworks, the cultural diversity of Tunisia challenges oblivion and reinvents itself. Jasmine in your ears...

Single Khelli خلِّي

Khelli خلِّي is an ode to free women written in maqam bass lines and analog drums. The sampled voice of a young Tunisian woman speaking out against street harassment intertwines with vintage drum machines and oriental keyboards. A track that pays homage to teenage girls and vibrates with the dialect of those who are not always heard.

"A 100% coexist DJ and producer, Sharouh remixes Judeo-Arabic songs and Mizrahi music nuggets, in sets that explore the different forms of musical syncretism in the Jewish and Arab worlds, from Tangier to Baghdad" - L'Institut du Monde Arabe

"Sharouh, aka Sarah Perez, is a multi-talented artist. As a DJ and producer, she is also committed to creating sound environments as rich as they are varied, from live shows to art installations. Among other nuggets from the sunset, Sharouh offers us a selection from the Judeo-Arabic register" Belleville Fi Galbi

"Dj and producer Sharouh creates irresistibly danceable mixes where Middle Eastern, Maghrebian and Mediterranean music blends with more electronic sounds. Fascinated by the various forms of musical syncretism born of encounters between Arab, Judeo-Arab, Berber and Mizrahi cultures, she is particularly interested in the role played by women in this heritage" - La Bobine


2024: Babel Music XP selection in Marseille, Festivals Les Suds à Arles, Festival Convivencia, Festival Rio Loco, album Ya Hasra 

2023: 1st part of Acid Arab in Nice. 1st date in Marrakech and concert at the Femena Fest at the Institut Français in Tunis. Release of first original track on Nowadays Records, playlists (Electropolis on Deezer, Manifesto XXI...).

2022: European Museum Night at the Palais de la Porte Dorée in Paris. Institut Français in Khartoum, Sudan. Guest at Womex 2022, Pannel: No Genders, No Borders

2021 : Sound Design for the exhibition Juifs d'Orient at the Institut du Monde Arabe and musical selection for the exhibition. Co-foundation of Beats By Girlz France, a free music production initiation and training program for women and gender minorities. Invited to the Journées Musicales de Carthagen Tunisie, Pannel: "Visibilité des fxmmes dans l'industrie des musiques actuelles, région MENA et diaspora".

Since 2018: music compositions for films, short films, contemporary dance shows, theater. Sound design for several art installations and exhibitions


New Morning, Bellevilloise, Petit Bain, Le Mazette, Madame Loyal, La Flèche d'Or, Le Point Fort d'Aubervilliers, FGO-Barbara, Main d'Oeuvres, Atelier des artistes en exil, Badaboom, Le Hasard Ludique, La Belle Electrique (Grenoble), Wax (Tunis), Kabana (Marrakech), Independance Club (Madrid), Sala Caracol (Madrid), Sala Equis (Madrid), Tabacalera (Madrid), El Rouge (Barcelona), Horizons Open Sea Festival, Rosa Bonheur

Tour 2024

20.09 Le Metronum, Toulouse
03.08 Bonac Plage, Bonac Irazein
20.07 La Vadrouille Festival, Beaumont-sur-Lèze
19.07 Festival Convivencia, Somail
14.07 Café Plum, Toulouse
10.07 Festival Les Suds, Arles
28.06 On Air, Marseille
23.06 L'Odyssée Seine, Pantin
22.06 File7, Magny Le Hongre
14.06 Festival Rio Loco, Toulouse
12.06 Mezzanine Pigalle, Paris
7.06 Souk in Paris, Le Chinois, Montreuil
1.06 Nuit Blanche, La Caserne, Paris
2.05 SacreSound Festival, Paris
21.04 Vendredi Soir, Paris
29.03 Babel Music Xp, Marseille
22.03 Machin Machine, MacOrlan, Brest
09.03 Festival Convivencia, Toulouse
01.03 Pavillon des Canaux, Paris
11.02 Yallah Music Conference, London (UK)
20.01 ECUJE, Paris 

Booking Info

Foucauld +33 6 28 07 10 95

Sarah Perez: DJ and producer


Based in Paris, available all year round

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