"A captivating debut album with real originality and a promising future" Le Monde
Imbued with Latin tradition, Ëda Diaz has been exploring and refining her colorful, rich and elegant “Colombian-style French touch” since 2017. In this poetic space open to dance, his music rubs shoulders with traditional Latin American sounds, experimental pop influences and electronic, industrial productions, echoes of the city. Ëda's music is a reflection of the contrasts she chooses to address in her texts. Between contemplation and zapping, illusion and reality, madness and reason, his pieces highlight the contradictions specific to human beings and the search for a desirable future. “Attached to her roots, Ëda is as capable of restoring the voice of her ancestors by dressing them in the lights of the future as she is of captivating a cappella, stripped of all artifice by simply rubbing her hands"
Album Suave Bruta
"Syncopated Latin rhythms and warped electronics combine on the debut album from singer and bassist Ëda Diaz, Suave Bruta (Airfono). Diaz’s wistful jazz vocal creates a refreshing contrast with her often raw-edged production style, producing highlights like the frenetic Tiemblas” Guardian
“We predict big things.” DJ Mag (Eight emerging artists you need to hear)
“Through melding her bass playing and vocals with experimental electronica and traditional Afro-Columbian and Latin American rhythms, the eleven tracks on Suave Bruta represent a hybrid of Euro-Latin R&B, imbued with more than a hint of electro-pop sensibility. Pull up a chair, pour yourself a tumbler of gauro, canelazo or guarapo, and enjoy a refreshing new sound.” Folk Radio
"Eda Diaz's experiments are giving Spanish-language pop a new lease of life. The mix is smooth, both introspective and danceable, nostalgic and whimsical.." Télérama TTT
"A captivating debut album with real originality and a promising future." Le Monde
"A meandering album that moves from the intimate to the burlesque in the space of a few notes, takes little leaps forward in time and never ceases to surprise." Libération
"The delightful 'Suave Bruta', an album of references as numerous as they are masterful" France Culture
"Suave Bruta, the delicious elixir of Ëda Diaz, an addictive, danceable debut album." FIP RADIO
- 1st album Suave Bruta on 2 February 2024 on the Airfono label
- 27 concerts in 2024
- Womex 2024 selection
- Chainon Manquant at Laval 2024
- Primeurs de Massy & Castres 2024
- Ile-de-France Inouïes Printemps de Bourges audition selection 2023
- RIF "Chouchoux" selection at the MaMA Convention 2021
Jazz à la Défense, Prix des Musiques d'Ici, Studio de l'Ermitage, Dérives Festival, FGO Barbara, Palais de la Porte Dorée, CIRCULART (Medellín), Festival Hermoso Ruido (Bogota), l'Alhambra, Festival Jazz à Fougères, Marly Jazz Festival, le Jazz Club (Grenoble), Le Hasard Ludique, Roxy Fest (Mexique), Chango Vudú (Mexique), Plaza Condesa (Mexique), Havana World Music (Cuba), Festival Chorus, sélection showcase à MAPAS (Tenerife), Guinguette Chez Alriq Bordeaux, les Jeudis du Port (Brest), le New Morning, Festival Villes des Musiques du Monde, Chorus Festival, Paul B, EMB Sannois, File 7, Le Tamanoir, L'Odéon (Tremblay), Festival MAAD, MAMA Convention, Pop Up du Label, Mjc des 3 Vallées, Mains d'Oeuvres ...
Tour 2024
05.03 Café de La DanseParis (75)
19.04 La Linea Festival London (UK)
27.04 Live de pocheVilliers-le-Bel (95)
28.04 Le Tamanoir Gennevilliers (92)
01.05 Festival La Louche d’Or Lille (59)
25.05 Festival Pelpass Strasbourg (67)
08.06 Festival COSMO Dortmund (DE)
22.06 Plesstival Le Plessis-Trévise (94)
28.06 Metek FestivalToulon (83)
29.06 Festival Convivencia Montech (82)
03.07 La Caravane du Coin Saint-Mammès (77)
05.07 La Caravane du Coin Blennes (77)
06.07 La Caravane du Coin Villiers-sous-Grez (77)
13.07 Jazz à la Petite France Strasbourg (67)
25.07 Les Terrasses du Jeudi Rouen (76)
22.08 Festival PolysonsHuy (BE)
24.08 Shambala Festival Northamptonshire (UK)
30.08 Festival Batôjazz Chanaz (73)
20.09 Le Chainon Manquant Laval (53)
28.09 Quartier Libre Festival Tours (37)
05.10 Le Grand Soufflet Rennes (35)
13.10 Nancy Jazz Pulsations Nancy (54)
25.10 Womex Manchester (UK)
01.11 Les Primeurs de Castres (81)
02.11 Les Primeurs de Massy (91)
08.11 Festival Locombia Toulouse (31)
23.11 Superforma w/ La Yegros Le Mans (72)
30.11 Château Rouge Annemasse (74)
With the support of Adami

Booking Info
Foucauld +33 6 28 07 10 95
4 musicians + 1 technician, based in Paris, available all year round
Eda Diaz: vocals, electric double bass
Climène Zarkan: backing vocals, keyboard, pad
Anthony Winzenrieth: guitar, keyboard
Baptiste de Chabaneix: percussion, pad